
Mystery Saif Alikhan Stabbed by Intruder in Mumbai

about and waved around on what exactly happened to Scyf. Who stabbed him and What happened that night? Why none of these theories can be trusted? Believe me viewers. Unless you are gullible. Or you just want to accept anything at face value.

You cannot accept all these ridiculous and stupid theories that are being put out on what happened and how this Bangladeshi climbed up a pipe by putting a ladder. And then went up to the 12th floor Spider-Man, got in through the window stole, some shoes and went out. It’s all rubbish garbage here.

Are 10 reasons why we need to question this. I have 10 questions to ask tonight. the first question, let’s not be politically correct about it and Karina Kapoori. But where were you during the attack

Mystery Saif Ali Khan Stabbed by Intruder in Mumbai

Were you in the house? Were you outside the house wherever you, right? The house help says that Karina was at home during the attack, but Ria Kapo’s insta story success. She was at a party with Ria and the others. So where exactly was Karina Kapoor Khan. Question number two, who exactly to save to the hospital. And I’ve been saying this, why did Karina take save to the hospital?Why did you say okay?

Seth, you’re almost dying. Why didn’t you just go and get treated and come back? Can you be as cool as that? She’s the arguing with the domestic help near the fire of the house. The domestic helps statement mentions that

Ibrahim Ali Khan to accept the hospital. The surgeon. In a statement says he came to the hospital with taimur who exactly, took him to the hospital. And why didn’t Karina go question? Number three, what was exactly happening that she couldn’t go the CCTV footage And that has been released, and this is really funny. So CCTV footage is from the sixth. Floor does not stay on the sixth floor.

Mystery Saif Ali Khan

Step stays on the 12th floor but for some Crazy reason, the police is leaking footage of the sixth floor, CCTV. I’m sorry, it means nothing to me. Show me the footage from the transfer for God’s sake. When is the footage from the 12th floor

Now, no blood stains on the clothes of the accused. This is another unbelievable thing. You’re almost killed us, a person. You put your person. They should be Bloods, flashing all around, but part of the knife almost 2.5 inches of the knife was taken out of saps body. It was stuck there but interestingly there were no blood stains on the accused clothes. Why Now, this is the funniest part.

Apparently, this fan the attacker but don’t believe he’s the attacker.

Attacks. I’ve can’t climbed up a pipe. Went up. 12 flows through a pipe entered goalmal style, through the window went inside steps, stole shoes, by the way, stole cephalicans shoes, stabbed in almost skills ciphalikan right? And then came out God knows how. And after coming out he sat in a nearby Garden a park, just next to the house for two to three hours.

Mystery Saif Ali Khan

Was he waiting to be caught by? The police is the police unaware. The attacker is in a park close by Now, if he was, if you still want to believe all of this rubbish, then

God help you, but according To the sources, the attacker entered into the high security building without being noticed. How is that possible? And after six, tab injuries, leaving in blood soaked, He’s not been charged with attempt to murder. Why, what if would you charge it with, why was there a72 I delay to catch the accused? Why was there a delay in recording? The rexhaver statement.

Either driver statement was only recorded After you know, the the pesky and metal sum Republic media Network Republic TV interviewed thankfully. Mumbai police. You can do better than this. I really sure about the rest you’ve made.

But most importantly, Justice must not. Just be done. It must people must believe. It has been that Do you believe just this has been done or do you think there’s been this has been a one big gigantic governor Mark my words. I’m not saying Bachel This could be a cover-up.


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