
South Africa Land Law Centre Trump Court by DA

Out our Focus Remain on south Africa. The newly Signed land Seizure Law. Which has Triggered Tenstion with The United States. Has now been Challenged at a court by a party in the country’s ruling Government Coalition . South Africa Second Largest party, the Democratic Alliance , or the D.A has Firmly Rejected the law Calling it Unconstioion and undemocratic. It say no government shuld be given such sweeping power to to expropriate property without compensation the party is a strong advocate of white rights and was onces a rival of Rama poses ANC. However, it joined the government last year after The NAC lost, it’s parliamentary mojority for the frist time in 30 years Despite joining Hands, the two Praties Remain divided on foreign and internal matters. And land reforms is a bill into law that allows that the government to see his land without playing compensation. Even 30 years after the end of racial aprtheid System

weather most of prominent Groups, campaigning, White Right in South Africa, have rejected Trump’s proposal Other than Trump, the Us Secretary of state to marco Rubio and Trump nominee and take billionaire. Elon Musk have also criticised south Africa Rubio is boycotting a G20 meeting this month in Johannesburg, while South Africa. born Elon Musk has declared The land, seizure law is out Rightly Racist, previously he blamed south Africa government for doing too little to prevent what he had described as a genocide on white founded on a camping bof misinformation and propaganda to Mr. Represent south Africa. He affirmed he will invoice to the different countries in order to clarify. The latest policy changes of the government including the expropriation Act. And as the land Reform roll escalats in has deeply split South Africa. Former president. Jacob Zoomers MK party has also officially Changed the pro white group with treason after the Reform Accusing, it of Lobbies foreign powers against south Africa’ sovereignty, and economic interests.

Trump signs executive order aimed at South Africa, White House official says

south Africa’ s landlord is truly white and now will the nation overcome the challenge it has initiaed internally and to its internation relations Now to continue, we have with Us ruth Hall, a Lecture at the institute for proverty and land and Aquaian stiudies at the University of the Western Cape. She is joining us live from Cape town. The Us president has Condemned South Africa’s landsatia law as anti white now true are these allegations and how does this story affect South Africa’s international relations. Thanks for the chance Uh, Fristof all, uh this is a product bos false news. It so sad that the leader of the United States. Would encourage such a misrepresentation, we do have Domocratic constitution in South Africa whise assures that we do have property Rights in this nation, but at the same time, the stage is also Obligated to redistribution righr on land. Including two black South Africans who were simply possessed by aparthed.so we do not have genral ban on any type expropriation in South Africa Actually,Our Constitution State that our government can expropriate let jest be very very Clear. South Africa’s is not Unique in this most Democratic government in the world have a right of imminent domain where the State can take property without the Owner’s Consent for all sorts of public interest the United States itself has this right of eminent domain

so what we’re seeing here is that a law which does not permit seizure or confiscation of land but expropriation by legal process with Resort to the court that law was enacted by a Democratic government? It’s in accordance with our constitution uh, it was promulgated by parliament, Um approximately last year in March, and it’s now been signed into law by the President it is his Responsibility to sign into law, a constitutional law of law that has. Been passed by our parliament. So l believe that what we’re witnessing here is that a certain groups perceive this as being racial? It is not racial, there is no reference to rest in this law whatsoever. Right emperase.

Trump signs executive order aimed at South Africa,

The expropriation, act the law of land seizure has been taken by the D.A effective to court and they’ve been labeling it Unconstitutional. What are some of the most impotant legal poinnt they to challege its and what would be the consequences of a court decision aganist the law for the FY government and the south African policy of land reforms Alright, well frist l believe that we should be absolutely plain that the subterfuge of the law it’s self permit a minister to make a decision to expropriate property Uh,and the decision then must pass through an extremely specific range of legal and administrative processes. There are seven extremely lengthy steps that will take around 6 to 12 months with room for the owner of the property to object Respondent for anyone else who is impacted to be able to take part in a consultation process, the issue can be reffered to a court.

Now, what all of the detractors of the act are essentially saying is that in this procedure you will have a state pitted against an individual Citizen and that it Con’t be that there is administrative process . It always should be left to the courts . They are arguing there are hardly any instances where there could be no compensation . And the Acts specifically enumerates this very specific circumstance where the land has been abandoned, where is being held purely for so speculation where it is the result of corrupt or criminal conduct or criminal conduct exceptional circumstances what is prohibited Under the act. Is that for example, a successful farm can be seized without pay has not signed up to this legal action, they’re content to sit and wait and do not object in principal to expropriation. So l think what we’ve got here is actually a great many people who most likely to be directly affected. Not to call foul on this law but several interest groups have chosen to hardly raise the stakes and make this into an international political football.

South Africa: Land Law at the Centre
of Trump Row Challenged in Court by...

It’s Obviously playing into a moment where geopolitically, um there is a great deal of Reason for Donald Trump to be putting pressure on south africa. And I think that it’s a concern for the entier. world when power is expecsries internationally in this way yeah and it the mighty the implementations, the wider ripped effect be considering that the Democratic alliance forms part of the ruling Coalition of the gnu how will this alter or play out in the political arena, in south africa you correct. Basically we’re back we are in an age of Coalition political, which is very new to South Africa Um and the african national Congress. Can’t from it’s 50 majority without the Democratic Alliance. But more so than that l believe we need to be sure that Um that the Democratic Alliance, despite being a minor party need to be goverment so it can provide something for it’s voting base l don’t believe that many analysts are anticipating this to be an issue that would topple our Coalition.

So that’s not. What is anticipated. I believe the Fallout is much greater in regards to our International relations. Let’s be certain that this is not an isolation. It is in a situation where President Trump has condemned um South Africa’s, referral of um of a case against the state of Israel to the international criminal court of justice. So this is direct revenge for that for our alliance with the bricks countries. Um and for being seen to be disloyal to the US in international Affairs and much more important, a fear, among white farmers in South Africa. Um, they’re not so much concerned about expropriation. The much greater immediate fear is that President Trump might take away South Africa from our preferential trade agreement with the US that lack other African countries gives us um cheaper access into American markets. So this To South Africans including those who are exporting food to the U.S. So I don’t think it’s right to interpret this as being President Trump standing in solidarity with white commercial Farmers. This is about playing at geopolitical game and demanding South Africa to fall in line with the US. Absolutely Professor. Thank you very much for being with us on first post. Africa. It was great to talk to you and your analysis and your interpretation of this very much appreciated.

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