
ISRO Successfully Docks SpaDeX Satellites

Space called, welcome back. We are bringing them as close as three.To each other, the Indian space research organization has successfully completed the docking process of the the satellites. That’s the latest which is coming in at the moment. Istro had earlier misremember, two docking schedules, that’s on January 7 and January 9 due to Technical issues or satellites were launched by the Space Agency. That was on December 30th. Israel took basically to social media X, to congratulate the entire nation and we have the latest coming in. My colleague, Imran is bringing us the latest update Imran. This is a massive feat.

A milestone has been achieved. Give us all the details which we know about, uh, the successful Mission which has been completed by Israel.Well, after it’s a very, very important mile achievement for the for India and for Israel. This is because he has become the fourth superpower as far as the space is concerned.

Superbowl as far as the space is concerned. Now the docking experiment have been successfully done. We saw that earlier of attempts were very, very close to achieving the success and it, it was a little bit of disappointment that it didn’t happen. In fact, earlier two, which space docking experiment, even public was invited. But after the, the didn’t happen, now this was said with, they will do it and they were announces. And we saw just this week, only a couple of days before. It came, very close to three meters on at most key came close to docking, but didn’t happen.

ISRO's 'Mission SpaDex

But now it has finally announced that it has that space docking experiment has happened. Now, what are the implications of it? It is very important, it’s a technology of as far as concern, we’re looking at India’s big Ambitions of having Chandray entree, man on the moon and also having their own, you know space uh

The complete setup there for as far as the human space flight is concerned. Experiments on and repairs is concerned on a space. What we have going to build up now, in space, the area, and then other orbital, all these kind of in, you know, this, the experimentary space docking is very, very critical and important, right?

it’s a big milestone achievement for Israel and it cannot lead to many, many important, uh, emissions what the Israel has, especially bringing materials from moon. In for a studying is concerned, all this will could happen because the docking experiment as you throw has done is very successful and you know, that will becomes a fourth country in the world with the power to look at docking in the in space. Well, absolutely.

In India, has achieved this historic feat. It’s only the fourth country to be able to do. So we also have Manish is a former Israel scientist who’s joining us live on the broadcast. Thank you. So, for joining us on times, now, this is obviously days after bringing these stats as close to three meters to each other, that Israel has successfully completed. Process help us, understand really the significance of the same sir. Good morning and congratulations. That’s all Nation. It’s a great milestone of big stepping strong for the forward coming. Visuals of slow and India.

ISRO's 'Mission SpaDex Historic For India,

See, actually this success it has to aspects. First one is near successfully demonstrated docking but you say look at it in a different name also successfully demonstrated that if things are not going perfectly. Well, then even at a closed distance of three meter. Our systems are so robust, then they can initiate safe mode and take the spacecrafts away. So you, if you look at the efficient

Then it is really appreciable that in a single mission. We have checked different test cases. Now why docking is important, because if we have to bring samples back from the morning Chandrayaan form, if we have to send our space modules space International Space, just like International Space Station. We are planning station. So since we have to send the modules of station and assembled space station in the space, talking is important.

If you have to send harder than your threes, to our space station, then talking is required to send the cargo then working is required. When you plan to send or Indian on the moon, then talking is required means all the emissions. That India is planning in the coming future talking is the very basic vital important wrongs in the success of solution and the same you demonstrated this with a very efficient he was of resources with a very well planned maneuvers. It is really great. Worldwide really you know India’s ranking when it comes to space missions based technology.

Something that is really big. It is probably the most India’s and obviously talk about this space economy, difficult missions. They also bring us in that particular aspect. Yes, India is one of the options. They are began for the future collaboration system, collaborations and that can post this economy also. It’s a trillion. Absolutely as well of the same with us because we were signs now senior editor, uh, spoken to istro Chief also on achieving the historic field, we’ll be playing out that entire conversation. Also, for you very, very shortly, but you’re not telling you a little bit about what exactly, uh, this mission is what it means for India because he was capability as we were telling you earlier is essential for complex missions.

ISRO's 'Mission SpaDex Historic For India,

Uh, the upcoming missions. Be it our future endeavors. When we you know, speak of this space sector, the explore the exploration, the potential or to even reach Moon by 2040, which is what India’s also aiming. At this docking experiment opens path for an upcoming project. You know, just as expert was also telling us be the chandray on four Mission or many other missions are significance of this, what it means for India and a lot more for that like listening to this exclusive conversation

Good morning sir. Big day for you. Huge day for the scientist said, Israel. Uh, what’s your message to the country now that the Spandex Mission is a big success And this is, Uh, space station. And other programs. And this day, I want to tell that. lot of opportunities and a lot of contribution can be made and today we are a proud Nation and having accomplished this great feat.

I don’t get it and for you, this must be possibly one of the biggest highlights. Now that you’ve, you know, taken over as this throw Chief, and this good news coming in, in the start of 2025, tell us about the kind of hard work and the grid that goes into making these kind of mission successful.

ISRO's 'Mission SpaDex Historic For India,

Of Prime Minister unemptail India. And so, what does this mean for future missions Because you know, we are looking at. Yeah, somebody meant accomplishment when you talk about the future missions which is huge. for understanding work. Another. Thank you, absolutely. So, I would humbly ask you to stay for one more minute.

If there’s a message you want to give the country. If there’s a message, you want to give all space enthusiasts, especially youngsters because so much to learn from israel and the very sentiment that wants to make India Unstoppable. What is that one thing you want to tell them?

So, if we put a great Target, everything is possible. And India item country because got great talents, and great leaders to guide us and everything is possible to be accomplished. Thank you. All right, we just heard it exclusive conversation. My calling Iran is also live with us and he’s obviously helping the understand the significance of the mission. We’re talking about the upcoming missions as well. Are the complex mission obviously which India is planning help us understand how this feat is going to Paved way for India’s future endeavors? Uh when we speak of a space exploration

ISRO's 'Mission SpaDex Historic For India,

Button of the of this docking experiment is the fact that a lot of it’s a cost saving uh you know exercise a lot of these payloads which should carry to build on all that transfer of Technologies concerned. Then you’ll have to send all the dockets

talking about the upcoming missions as well. Are the complex mission obviously which India is planning help us understand how this feat is going to Paved way for India’s future endeavors?

Uh when we speak of a space explorationButton of the of this docking experiment is the fact that aIS 4t 3,61lot of it’s a cost saving uh you know exercise a lot of these payloads which should carry to build on all that transfer of Technologies concerned. Then you’ll have to send all the dockets because this big stocking experiment. They can carry the payloads to smaller quantity and take them space and leave it there with this, with this experiment. So, that’s a lot of significance. Now,

looking at the India basic ambitious missions, man on the moon and collecting materials from there and bringing it back or you will as far as a concerned about having their own, you know, space the space that they’re in the in the absolutely, it’s a historic milestone. It’s a moment which the country obviously is rejoicing in Imran. Why don’t you stay with us from the newsroom?

She’s taking us through all the reactions coming in viewers. Uh, the Prime Minister, the PMO has praised Israel for a scripting history. We’ll take us through that reaction over to you, take us through the reaction, which is come from the side of the piano. Absolutely. And first when it comes to when the Israel itself because it’s a huge congratulations going on to the entire team of the scientists, they are putting India in the elite space club.

ISRO's 'Mission SpaDex Historic For India,

Saying that the spacecraft docking is successfully completed. It’s a historic moment and the maneuver from the 15 meter to three meter holding point has been completed talking initiated with position leading to successful spacecraft captureretraction completed smoothly. Absolutely completed. India has become the fourth country to achieve the successful space talking.Congratulations to the entire team. Congratulations to India.

And so is that, as far as the prime minister is concerned also congratulating the scientists and the entire space fraternity for the successful demonstration of space talking of satellites. It’s a significant stepping stone for India’s ambitious, space missions in years to come. So yes, when actually 25 looking so far so good. Well, absolutely. It’s a historic. Milestone moment is entire country is celebrating end of the day. This Mission viewers is not just a highlight Venice. Speak of Israel’s engineering Marvel and capability. Signifies India’s growing. Our missions in the space sector, we’ll keep aneye on this big story


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